How to pack up your kitchen in 10 Steps

There are no two ways about it, moving house can be a daunting task. Whether you are packing up a one bedroom flat, or a large family home, it’s going to take time to pack everything up.

And, there is one room that always seems to take the longest – the kitchen.

This is mostly because of all the individual and fragile items, appliances and those drawers of doom! Yes, those ones with all the little bits and pieces which don’t have a clear home anywhere else, and end up together in that drawer.  

Panic not! As you know, we aim to make moving day painless, so we are passing on some of our knowledge to you with our stress-free guide to packing up your kitchen for moving day.

1. Start early

We get it that you will be using your kitchen right up to moving day, and there is a lot you can get done in advance. If you leave the packing to the last minute, you may find you run out of bubble wrap or boxes! And those supplies are essential for your kitchenware. We would suggest you start packing your kitchen a few weeks before moving day. This will give you time to sort through all your items and decide what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. This will also allow you to pack at a slower pace, so you can take your time and not damage anything!

2. Declutter

We all have things we have never used, especially in the kitchen. If you have never got that pasta maker out of the box, maybe it’s time to donate it? Go through all your cupboards, drawers, and pantry and get rid of anything you don’t want or have not used. This could be appliances, utensils, expired food, or any other items you have not used in a while.

3. Gather supplies.

Before you start packing, make sure you have the necessary supplies. You’ll need sturdy boxes for packing, packing paper, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers. Here’s a tip – you will probably need more than you think you do so don’t underestimate!

4. Put essentials to one side

Identify what you will need to use up to moving day and put it to one side – have enough cups, plates, bowls and cutlery for each family member and a couple of saucepans and the essential utensils. You can pack these on the day.

5. Pack the fragile items first.

This includes glassware, and excessive or infrequently used plates, and bowls. Wrap each item individually in packing paper or bubble wrap and place them in a box lined with packing paper. Make sure to label the box as ‘fragile’, and ‘kitchen’ and indicate which side is up.

6. Pack appliances carefully.

We know that some of you will still have the original packaging – if so pack your appliance in that box. For those who don’t, to pack appliances such as blenders, mixers and coffee machines, make sure you remove all detachable parts and wrap them carefully. Use bubble wrap or packing paper to protect the appliance and place it in a study box (along with its parts) and label the box with the appliance name. Another tip is to tape up the cords so they don’t get caught on anything.

7. Pack heavy items separately.

Pack pots and pans in separate boxes to avoid damaging other items. Make sure you use a study box. You can utilise large saucepans to packs smaller items as well, just make sure you tape on the lid. If stacking pans together, then line each with packing paper to avoid scratching.

8. Label everything!

We know it sounds obvious, but many people forget to label. You may think you will know what’s in each box, but once all your packing is done, it can get confusing. The last thing you want is to rummage around boxes for your mugs and kettle at the other end. Label with contents and which room they belong in – this will make it so much easier when you go to unpack. 

9. Take essentials with you on moving day.

Keep some cups, teaspoons and coffee and tea bags to one side to travel with you to your new home – you will be happy you did, as will we – unloading a van is thirsty work!

10. Check you have everything!

If you are leaving large white good behind, pull them out to check nothing has fallen underneath or behind, it’s easy to miss things – especially if you are a household with children (who like to move things around).

We hope this has helped – if you read this and think, that sounds like a lot of work, can I get someone else to do it? Then yes, you can! We offer a packing and moving service  – get in touch for a quote.

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