Everything You Need To Know About Moving With A Toddler

Moving with kids

Everyone knows moving is a stressful experience. Countless boxes all over the place, the fear of missing something out – we’ve all been there. However, moving with a toddler is a different situation altogether.

­They get their hands in things they shouldn’t be dealing with, they start to cry and stress you out even more, and you end up being distracted from packing and other things you should be doing.

We can all agree that moving with a toddler isn’t the best thing in the world, but what if we had a few tips that could make it easier?

In this article, we’ll be sharing a few ideas on how you could make moving with a toddler less stressful.

Before the move:

Talk to your child about the move. This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many parents make a mistake here. You need to reassure your child that while their surroundings might change, the rest of their life will remain the same. Listen to what he/she has to say. Are they worried about leaving his friends behind? Does the idea of moving scare them? Asking these questions will allow you to get to the root of the issue and prevent future outbursts before they occur.

Try to visit your new neighbourhood before the move. Introduce your toddler to the local sights like parks and playgrounds they can enjoy. This way, your toddler will be more familiar with his new surroundings when moving day rolls around.

Plan for the move. If possible, make sure you have a babysitter available on the day of the move. Moving day will be filled with noise and chaos, two things that are sure to agitate your toddler. With a babysitter, you can dedicate your full attention to packing up your home without worrying about your toddler.

If you don’t have a babysitter available on the day of the move, explain what’s happening to your child to reduce any anxious feelings. For example, remind him that his things aren’t disappearing; they’re simply being moved to the new house.

During the move:

Make sure you pack up your toddler’s room last. The last thing you want is a meltdown when your toddler realizes that their entire room is empty. Packing up their rooms last will make sure your child has a place to rest if moving takes longer than expected, and it can help reduce their feeling of anxiety about the move.

Childproof everything first. The very first thing you should do when you arrive at your new place is childproofing. Unpacking is a long and tedious process, and it’s just not practical to keep an eye on your child all the time. Pay special attention to sharp corners on counters, dangling window cords in your home and exposed electrical outlets.

Have a bag of your child’s favourite toys. This can be a lifesaver if you have a hyperactive child. Pack a bag that has all of your child’s favorite snacks and toys so that they can keep himself occupied while you handle the movers and everything else. Make sure that the supplies in this bag won’t cause too much of a mess for you. Items to include are stuffed animals, sippy cups, a first aid kit and other medications.

Allow your child to be involved in the moving process. Give your toddler simple moving tasks to keep them occupied and make the process fun. Set aside an easy task, like packing stuffed animals in a box or folding their clothes. While it might not be the fastest way, it’ll help your child feel like they have a role in the moving process.

After the move:

Allow time to unpack and get settled. It can be tempting to start unpacking as soon as the last box arrives in the house, but you should avoid this to keep your children’s schedule as consistent as you can. Don’t throw away any of your child’s old toys or furniture immediately after the move. Instead, let them play with old toys and read favorite books as they slowly get used to the idea of living in a new space.

Set up your child’s room as soon as you can. This gives you peace of mind in knowing exactly where your child will be, and it helps your child feel like things are returning to normal again. It’ll also lead to your toddler roaming around the house less often, so you have more room to unpack and breathe.

All in all, moving homes is a big step. Make sure to give yourself room to relax and get used to the idea of living in a new space. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our article!

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